Day 13: Trekking For Chimpanzees

June 27, 2024


The first activity of the day was bright and early. Before the sun rose, we met outside the hotel at 6:30 am. We headed to Budongo Forest on the north side of The Nile and joined a tour guide to go chimpanzee trekking. While our group hiked through the dense jungle environment, we saw chimps climbing and jumping through the trees. The tour guide told us how they communicate with each other, the foods they eat, and where they sleep. A few people had fruit peels dropped on their heads!

After two and a half hours, we headed back to our hotel to rest. Some of us had the energy to go on a zip line before lunch. It reached through trees to break the record for the longest zip line in Uganda. You could see a great view of the landscape when you were on it.

After lunch, the group split into two bus groups to go on our nighttime game drive. The roofs opened up, and we could stick our heads out of the car and see giraffes, elephants, baboons, monkeys, and more. Our tour guide corresponded with others in the area, and we even saw a mama lion and her cub lying down near a tree. As we surveyed the land for more wild animals with the sun setting behind us, we saw at least four different kinds of animals.

Cameryn McGee

Social Promise Youth