Day 14: Our Final Day

June 28, 2024


Today was our very last full day in Uganda! The trip seemed to go by so fast, but today was the perfect finale.

We woke up early in the morning to hop in the vans for a game drive. After making it to the park, we saw giraffes, antelopes, a lion, and an entire herd of elephants! Our guides, Brian and Ben, were so kind as to tell us all the interesting information about the animals.

Afterward, we drove to a restaurant for a quick lunch and break before boarding a massive boat to cruise down the Nile River. Along the banks, we saw loads of hippos, crocodiles, monkeys, and birds.

Finally, we returned to the lodge to prepare for the long journey home. It’s so hard to believe that it’s already over, but we’re continuing to support and raise money for the people of Gulu.

Thank you so much for following along on our adventure!

Lily Quintanilla

Social Promise Youth