A Gift Of Joy For Children At St. Jude Children's Home

June 25, 2024


This trip has been a remarkable one for me. I have had the opportunity to visit Uganda alongside Sharon, my daughters, their friends, and some of the most extraordinary women I know—women and mothers whom I strive to emulate every day.

During our visit to St. Jude Children's Home, "the moms" noticed the children lacked sufficient playground equipment. It was mentioned in passing, but I didn't hear more about it then. Yesterday, an unexpected moment happened while working at the primary school. A truck pulled up, packed with brand-new playground equipment.

My friends orchestrated this with Sharon and two exceptional individuals at St. Jude—Sara and Paolo. The equipment was purchased in honor of my late father.

I lost him two years ago, and the pain of his absence remains fierce. My father had a deep interest in Social Promise's work and the tremendous achievements our partners have accomplished with the help of our donors. He was a staunch supporter and advocate for this cause.

Knowing that this gift will always be there in his name fills me with gratitude. I am blessed with a fantastic family and friends who have made this possible.

Whenever I see a child laughing and playing on that equipment, I will remember him. His legacy of kindness and support lives on through the joy and laughter of the children at St. Jude. He was a primary school teacher, and I can't think of a better place to honor him.

This experience has not only deepened my appreciation for the power of community and giving but also strengthened my resolve to continue supporting St. Jude Children's Home and working to inspire others to do the same.

Together, we can create lasting change and bring happiness to those who need it most.