Day 10: Saying Goodbye To St. Jude Children's Home

June 24, 2024


Our day started earlier than usual, and we were off to Saint Jude Children’s Home. We were given a primary school tour and then divided into groups.

Each group went to a different class, and mine went to Primary Six. We joined the class in physical education, which, while hot, was a highlight of the day. All of the students were patient with us, even though we didn’t know the games. That being said, the 30-minute break that followed P.E. was greatly appreciated.

After the break, I went back to Primary Six with the rest of my group, where we had a drawing class. We first focused on drawing a drum. Once we finished, we drew flowers. We then exchanged the flowers with each other. Seeing everyone’s different flowers was fun, and the exchange was also a highlight of the day.

We left the school for a brief lunch break but were back by 3:00. We watched the show the students put on for us. It included a traditional dance called otole, among other performances. Once school was let out, we went to St. Jude Children’s Home to play with the kids. We also gave out the backpacks that we had packed before the trip. 

At 5:45, we boarded the bus once again, but the day wasn’t done!

We went to Takataka Plastics, a business that recycles PET plastic into tiles. One of the co-founders, Peter, explained the company's history and goals for the future. He told us that he aims to decrease plastic waste and the unemployment rates of vulnerable youth. Peter took us on a tour of the compound, and we went more in-depth into the PET recycling process.

After a long day, we made it back to Lacor Hospital to eat dinner and rest. We are excited about tomorrow's activities!

Evelyn Myatt

Social Promise Youth