Honoring Mothers on Mother's Day
Baby Omara Ambrose
May 6, 2022
For the past ten years, members of the Social Promise team have met countless mothers during our visits to Uganda. Mothers who, despite the burdens of living in extreme poverty, are kind and loving caregivers, involved members of their communities, and hopeful for the future of themselves and their families.
These mothers are hopeful because they know healthcare is the future for their families. They know there are people like you who care enough to make healthcare a reality for them.
This Sunday, May 8th, we celebrate Mother's Day. On this day, we honor not only you, our special friends and dedicated supporters, but we honor mothers across the globe.
Lucy Akello was working as a teacher in a school about 25 miles from Lacor Hospital. One day Lucy, nine months pregnant, tested positive for COVID. She was having difficulty breathing and was immediately rushed to Lacor Hospital. Lucy arrived fearful for her life and the life of her unborn child. This was her fourth child, and she knew something felt wrong.
"I had a very strong headache, my fever was rising, I was short of breath, and I was shaken by a cough that gave me no respite. With each cough, my baby kicked hard in my belly." Lucy was weak, scared, and unsure of her ability to deliver her child.
Lucy arrived at Lacor when the thirty-bed COVID unit was already at capacity. She was admitted to intensive care and immediately attached to oxygen.
"I was never alone. The nurses were always with me. They were covered in suits and masks, but I could still see their smiles."
After a week, Lucy went into labor. Due to her illness, Lucy she did not have the strength to give birth, and her baby began showing signs of distress. An emergency cesarean was necessary.
Baby Omara Ambrose was born strong and healthy. His name "Omara" means love in Acholi.
Lucy is a grateful mother. "Without oxygen and the expertise and care of Lacor's doctors and nurses, my son and I would not be here today."
If you're looking for a last-minute Mother's Day gift for a mom, caregiver, or another special person in your life, consider giving healthcare at Lacor Hospital in her honor. Your gift will provide healthcare to women and children and the hope and opportunity that follows.