International Nurses Day 2022

May 12, 2022


Today we celebrate the tireless work of nurses around the globe and the contributions they make to the community. Nurses provide care for patients & families in so many meaningful ways. We thank them for all they do, and for being a beacon of humanism in healthcare.

Sister Nancy Pony is an example of one of these fearless leaders at Lacor Hospital. Her impact extends far beyond patient care; education is a vital component of her service.

Here is her story.

Sister Nancy Pony has worked at Lacor Hospital for 25 years. She was only 14 when she realized that she loved caring for people. Nancy was the head nurse in the maternity ward for many years and treated women during prenatal visits and births. Her work helped reduce the maternal mortality rate in Uganda, which is still one of the highest in the world.

Nancy recalls the story of a patient named Janet. Janet arrived at Pabbo, one of the three peripheral health centers of Lacor, in labor. Her labor was not progressing, however, and she needed emergency surgery. Lacor immediately sent an ambulance for her while Dr. Sande Ojara prepared the operating room for her arrival. After a long and complicated surgery, Dr. Ojara was able to save Janet's life, but not the life of her unborn child.

Because of patients like Janet, who do not seek medical care until their situation is too difficult, Nancy has dedicated her time to outreach.

"It is crucial to convince women to come to the hospital to give birth before it is too late. I often participate in radio broadcasts to explain the importance of prenatal visits to future mothers." The radio is the one form of communication in Uganda that reaches women in even the most remote communities.

Additionally, Nancy holds daily health education sessions in the waiting rooms of the Lacor antenatal clinic.

Education can mean the difference between life and death.

Nancy also worked at the nursing school located on the Lacor Hospital campus at one point in her career. She taught young women how to do health outreach in the villages. For her, this was important work, as she believes that training is the future of Uganda.

A nurse at Lacor earns an average of $150 per month. Donations to the hospital guarantee Nancy's salary, and the salaries of her colleagues.