Day 3: Arriving in Gulu

June 17, 2024


Happy 15th Birthday to Ava and Lily Quintanilla! We were so excited to spend their birthday with them in Uganda!

Today, we woke up in the city of Kampala. After a quick breakfast, we were off to the markets. Despite the rain, we managed to immerse ourselves in Ugandan culture by exploring many forms of art. Vendors sold many different crafts, including traditional clothes, paintings, bracelets, and fans. We explored dresses, skirts, pants, and shorts with unique and intricate patterns at one vendor. We continued through the market and found small figurines of animals like hippos and elephants. At one point, we even found a giant snail on a nearby rock.

After a fun journey, we headed back to the hotel to prepare for our five-hour bus ride to Lacor Hospital. Near the end of our ride, we got our first glimpse of the beautiful Nile River. Right before we crossed the bridge, we saw baboons. The highlight, however, was when we saw baby baboons sitting on the side of the road.

Finally, we made it to Lacor Hospital and were kindly welcomed into the community. Now, we are going to bed to ensure that we are energized for the day to come. 

Josephine Myatt

Social Promise Youth