Day 1: We Have Arrived

June 15, 2024



We spent our day traveling to Entebbe, Uganda. We started at New York’s JFK airport, where we caught a six-hour flight to Amsterdam. After some restless sleep on the plane, we arrived at AMS just in time for a four-hour layover. Following some more sleep and a quick lunch, we made our way to our terminal and took an eight-hour flight to Kigali, a city in Rwanda. A few selfies later, we were back in the air, this time for 40 minutes. The refreshingly short flight brought us to Entebbe, where we cleared customs and passport control. Finally, after a short drive and an over 24-hour travel day, we made it to our hotel.

For some context, today was the start of a 15-day trip that I am incredibly grateful to take part in, alongside eight other kids ages 12-15 and members of their family. After a brief night in Entebbe, a cultural tour, and a night in Kampala, we will make our way to Gulu, the second-largest city in all of Uganda. There, we will learn from and help the children and staff at Lacor Hospital and Saint Jude Children’s Home. We look forward to updating you all each day of our adventures and are excited for what’s to come.


Evelyn Myatt

Social Promise Youth