Your Impact at St. Jude Children’s Home
We only partner with longstanding, reputable, effective Ugandan non-profits so your donation makes the maximum impact. Our partners include St. Jude Children’s Home and Lacor Hospital. St. Jude Children’s Home began as a safe haven from the war and as an home for children orphaned by poverty, AIDS and the LRA. Lacor Hospital is an internationally recognized model of humanitarianism and compassionate medical care.
Children from St. Jude's receiving the backpacks you donated.
Your donations have purchased wheelchairs for children living at St. Jude Children’s Home. Without your help children are relegated to using makeshift chairs that do not support their unique postural and physical needs.
The professional staff of St. Jude’s helps children to be active within the community by studying, playing, and interacting with friends and caregivers.
Educating Ugandan Children
You send about 40 teenage boys and girls to secondary and vocational school every year. Usually about ¾ attend secondary and ¼ attend vocational schools.
Able to reopen
St. Jude Primary School was able to open its own primary school because of your donations. This meant the children of St. Jude’s could stop attending schools where there were often 200 children in one class. Instead these children now attend one of the most sought-after primary schools in northern Uganda
Your Impact at Lacor Hospital
We only partner with longstanding, reputable, effective Ugandan non-profits so your donation makes the maximum impact. Our partners include St. Jude Children’s Home and Lacor Hospital. St. Jude Children’s Home began as a safe haven from the war and as an home for children orphaned by poverty, AIDS and the LRA. Lacor Hospital is an internationally recognized model of humanitarianism and compassionate medical care.
New Ambulance
In 2016, you bought a new ambulance for Lacor Hospital. For pregnant women in difficult labor and for children in severe respiratory distress, ambulance transport can mean the difference between life and death. And a good ambulance is essential for so much more. Your new ambulance allowed the hospital to guarantee transfer of patients from Lacor Hospital to Mulago Hospital in Kampala for specialized services.
More success stories thanks to you,
Akumu completed all of secondary school at St. Mary’s College Aboke (arguably the best!) and is now in Pharmacy school.
Aciro Evelyn completed “lower” secondary school, then technical school for a certificate in Hotel and Hospital Management, and now provides for herself with her job working at a hotel in Gulu town.
Adong Phiona Tressy is earning her certificate in electrical installation at Nakawa Vocational Institute.
Obalo Francis, who is completely blind, is enrolled in a Teacher’s College to become a Primary Teacher for the Blind.
Opiyo Peter and Okello Sam Elio graduated technical school and are both employed computer technicians.