Day 7: A Day Of Playing And Learning

June 21, 2024


We started off today visiting Gulu market. Gulu market is a massive market where people sell all kinds of items. We walked through rows of stalls where people sold everything from beans to baskets to handmade garments. After the market, we went to a store called Mtindo which sold locally made accessories, clothing and other goods. 

Before lunch, we went to a store that sold sports equipment. There, we purchased “futbols” (soccer balls), hula hoops, and jump ropes to bring to the children at St. Jude's Children's Home.

Later, after lunch, we visited all of our friends at St. Jude Children's Home! The children were so excited to see us again, just as much as we were to see them. We brought all of our gifts for the kids to share and play with. They all had so much fun playing with the hula hoops, jump ropes, and soccer balls we brought. 

Not only did we bring the presents purchased in town, but we also brought markers and items for them to color! But after hours of fun and games, we sadly had to say goodbye to our friends and go back to Lacor to meet with Dr. Martin.

Dr. Martin is the head surgeon at Lacor Hospital. During the beginning of our meeting he told us about his childhood, his family, and what led him down the path to medicine. He told us that before thinking about pursuing a career in medicine, he originally wanted to become an engineer. Under the guidance of Dr. Lucille Corti, Dr. Martin learned how to operate on the entire body. This was essential because there were a very limited number of surgeons, and they needed to know how to operate on a wide array of different ailments. To conclude our meeting, he answered questions from the group on topics of infrastructure and sustainability at Lacor. 

We spent the rest of the night relaxing and getting ready for tomorrow's fun activities. Goodbye for now!

Julia Goslee

Social Promise Youth