A Second Chance At Life For New Babies At St. Jude Children's Home

June 19, 2024


St. Jude Children's Home is committed to being a safe haven for vulnerable children, offering them love, care, and the promise of a better future. We visited today and discovered that several new babies were recently welcomed, each with a unique and heart-wrenching story.

Mercy Ogwang

Mercy Ogwang's arrival is marked by both tragedy and hope. Her mother passed away during childbirth and was HIV positive. When Mercy arrived at St. Jude, she had a rash covering her body. Thankfully, through timely medical intervention and prophylaxis, she has tested HIV negative.

Edward Otim

At just two weeks old, Otim was left overnight next to a wall near a spring. A woman found him and brought him to St. Jude's. Despite his rough beginning, Otim is now safe and cared for by a dedicated team that ensures he gets the love and attention he deserves.

Innocent Komagum

Innocent Komagum was found in front of a local counselor's house, left in a box. His abandonment is a reminder of the challenges many infants face. At St. Jude, Innocent is a cherished family member, surrounded by caregivers dedicated to nurturing his growth and happiness.


Toby's mother died from excessive bleeding during childbirth. His father, despite the tragic circumstances, is committed to his upbringing. Toby will stay at St. Jude for the next two years, during which we will receive care and support. After this period, he will be reunited with his father, who will continue to raise him.

Sedrick OKULLU

Okullu Sedrick was abused at home, suffering from starvation and cuts. When he arrived at St. Jude, he was very sick and malnourished. However, with time and care, Sedrick is doing well and showing remarkable resilience.

Despite their difficult starts in life, these babies now have the opportunity to grow up in a safe, nurturing environment. St. Jude Children's Home is committed to providing them the care they need to thrive. Every child deserves a chance at a happy, healthy life, and we are thankful that donors to Social Promise are part of their journey.

Thank you for supporting St. Jude Children's Home. If you would like to continue supporting vulnerable children like Mercy, Edward, Innocent, Toby, and Sedrick, please follow the link below.