Lacor Hospital Recognized with EKOenergy Ecolabel

OCTOBER 24, 2023


In a step towards sustainability, Lacor Hospital in Uganda earned the prestigious EKOenergy ecolabel certification, making it the first energy user in the country to achieve this distinction.

EKOenergy, a not-for-profit ecolabel with international recognition, provides a comprehensive renewable electricity, gas, heat, and cooling metric. This certification confirms that Lacor Hospital's energy usage is renewable and upholds additional quality criteria, such as reliable energy origin tracking, sustainable production, and rigorous auditing and verification processes.

Understanding EKOenergy Certification

EKOenergy is renowned for its stringent standards when it comes to renewable energy. Individuals and companies worldwide use this label to demonstrate their dedication to clean and sustainable energy sources. EKOenergy certification goes beyond simply using renewable energy; it encompasses the following key attributes:

Reliable Tracking of Energy Origin: One of the critical aspects of EKOenergy certification is the dependable tracking of the origin of the energy. This ensures that the energy source is indeed renewable, contributing to a reduction in carbon emissions.

Sustainably Produced Energy: EKOenergy certification requires that energy be produced sustainably, aligning with environmental preservation and responsible resource management.

Continuous Auditing and Verification: Maintaining the label requires continuous auditing and verification processes to ensure that the energy source remains environmentally friendly.

Lacor Hospital's Sustainable Energy Initiative

Lacor Hospital has taken a significant step towards environmental responsibility by installing solar panels that generate 30% of the electricity required by the facility. These solar panels bear the EKOenergy label, affirming their renewable and sustainable energy production. The use of solar power not only reduces Lacor Hospital's carbon footprint but sets an example for other institutions and individuals in Uganda to embrace renewable energy solutions.

Impacting the Local Community and the World

Lacor Hospital's commitment to sustainability goes far beyond its immediate impact. The hospital's shift to renewable energy is a significant stride towards a cleaner and greener future. By adopting EKOenergy-certified energy sources, Lacor Hospital contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and playing a pivotal role in mitigating climate change.

Moreover, EKOenergy is known for its global reach, as it finances green energy projects across the globe when energy with the ecolabel is purchased.

Therefore, when you donate to Lacor Hospital, you support life-saving healthcare initiatives and contribute to the global movement towards sustainability.

Your generous contributions have a dual benefit, positively impacting both the health of the local community and the health of the planet.

Lacor HospitalSarah McGee